They faced a harrowing journey—but it’s only just begun.
Israel is home to new Olim, immigrants from all over the world, who have made Aliyah throughout the years. We believe in the fundamental right of every Jewish person to come live in Israel and make it their home.
Many, like Israel’s sizable Ethiopian community, have escaped persecution for being Jewish — and have come to Israel for a sense of hope and security. For them, it often meant leaving their properties and belongings behind to live in a new land, with a new language, new culture, and new customs.
Since the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out, many new immigrants came to Israel from both countries. VFI has been supporting them with clothing and other essentials to ease their transition into a new life.
With no assistance, the transition process can be long and complicated.
Vision for Israel has worked with the Jewish Agency for years at absorption centers — donating vital goods like food, clothing, blankets, baby supplies, furniture, electronics— and even medical aid.
We have also collaborated with congregations all over the country to support new Olim who attend their congregations.
As followers of Yeshua, we know it’s our responsibility to help immigrants, the poor, the sick, and all who have experienced the trauma of war and persecution — and to fully welcome them into community life, and Israeli culture.
Help us welcome new Israelis — click the button below to contribute to this vital mission.
“I would like to thank you for the generous donation of Vision for Israel, which made it possible for us to bless many new immigrant children with back packs for the new school year. Due to a large wave of Aliyah to our city, we always face a strong need to help new immigrants who come to the land with no possessions. Vision for Israel’s generous donation gave us the ability to bless many families in need. We thank the Lord for your generosity and we pray that we can continue to work together for the benefit of the needy among Yeshua’s people.“
~ Ludmila, Beit Hallel Congregation