Hearts United: Lifting up Holocaust Survivors

Saturday, April 15, 2023

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

Psalm 23:4

Dear Friend,

As Yom HaShoa, Holocaust Remembrance Day, approaches on April 18th, we are reminded of the unimaginable journeys of Holocaust survivors and refugees who made their way to Israel after World War II. These humble heroes braved death, brutal winters, and unspeakable hardships to find refuge in the land of Israel. Today, we have the opportunity to honor their sacrifices and offer our support in their time of need.

It is vital that we remember the history of these Holocaust survivors and refugees, as their stories are a testament to God’s faithfulness to His people and honor their strength and heroism. The State of Israel was founded on their backs, and with the remains of their strength, they courageously built homes, institutions, and the foundations of our country. They fought for Israel’s protection and growth, all for the coming generations to live here in peace and abundance.

Despite their incredible resilience and contributions to the Jewish state, many Holocaust survivors and refugees in Israel face significant challenges in their daily lives. The stipend they receive from the state is often not enough to cover their monthly expenses, leaving them with empty refrigerators and a lack of basic necessities. During the cold winters, they struggle to keep warm without adequate heating. Many also experience crippling loneliness and a feeling of neglect and abandonment, as not everyone has family or friends to rely on.

Rosain is a Holocaust survivor who has faced countless challenges throughout her life. Rosian Zerner was born in 1935 in Lithuania. When Germany invaded Lithuania in 1941, Rosian and her family were confined to the Kovno Ghetto. When she was six years old, her parents helped her escape through a hole they had dug under the ghetto fence, where she was met by her father's secretary. She was hidden by several rescuers over the next three years before being liberated by the Soviet troops in 1944.

Despite the hardships, she has remained strong, a true testament to the unbreakable spirit of Holocaust survivors. We invite you to watch a video about her life here: [https://youtu.be/fYvldAPUvZs]

Rosain's story reminds us of the importance of providing support to Holocaust survivors and refugees in their time of need. We are grateful for each opportunity to hear their stories and learn more about their lives. Especially now, as the Holocaust generation is disappearing, we are honored to enshrine their shared memories in our hearts. For the survivors who went through the worst horrors, these simple acts of kindness warm their hearts, ignite hope, and renew trust in others. All that is required are small acts of love and care: a visit to their home to alleviate their loneliness, a listening ear, a warm duvet for the winter, a basket of food, and more. Even the smallest act is of great importance to them.

At Vision for Israel, we are committed to showing love and care to these precious Holocaust survivors and refugees. With your help, we can provide warm blankets, food baskets, gift cards, and home visits to positively affect their lives. We also host joyful events to give them back their sense of belonging and enjoy life.

As we remember the Holocaust and honor its survivors and refugees, let's not forget the love and support they need today. Together, we can help them live their remaining years in comfort and dignity, surrounded by the warmth and care they deserve.

We invite you to join us and support Holocaust survivors by clicking HERE to donate.

Never forget!

Barry & Batya Segal
and the VFI team

"Do not cast me away in the time of old age. When my strength fails, do not forsake me."

Psalm 71:9

Holocaust Survivors

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