Remembering the Fallen and Helping the Living

Saturday, October 5, 2024

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Psalm 34:18

Dear Friends,

As we approach the one-year remembrance day of October 7, our hearts are heavy with the memories of one of the darkest days in Israel’s modern-day history. It was a day that changed everything, a day that tore at the very heart of our nation. Thousands of brutal terrorists invaded Israel in an unprecedented attack, leaving a trail of unimaginable devastation. 1,139 people were brutally murdered, about 250 hostages were taken into the Gaza Strip, and over 100 of them remain there even today.

The horrific testimonies that have emerged from that day are beyond imagination in their cruelty. Yet, they are a grim reality that so many in Israel now live with. Survivors, both young and old, are carrying the heavy burden of trauma, trying to piece their lives back together.

Among those who lived through this nightmare is 14-year-old Ella. On the morning of October 7, Ella woke up to the terrifying sounds of gunfire and people screaming in Arabic. She took refuge in a safe room with her mother, little brother, and a friend. As messages flooded in from friends on her kibbutz’s youth WhatsApp group, Ella read words no child should ever have to see: "They shot my parents," "We are dying, someone please help us."

Ella's cousin, Amit, sent a final message that day, saying terrorists were inside his home. Soon after, all contact was lost. Later, Ella and her family were rescued by a special unit, but the trauma she endured is beyond words. "There was blood everywhere," she recalls. "Let me repeat this—I am 14 years old. These are not things a child my age, or any child, should see."

In the face of such overwhelming darkness, stories of courage and survival shine through. Rahamim, a soldier stationed near the Gaza border, faced unimaginable danger that day. Waking up to sirens and the sound of rockets, he and his fellow soldiers quickly realized they were under attack. As terrorists infiltrated their outpost, Rahamim was struck in the face by a bullet, and a grenade landed just 10 centimeters from his leg. Despite his injuries, he fought on, driven by the training and resolve that had been instilled in him.

With the help of a cook named Yaakobi, who courageously drove him to safety despite being wounded himself, Rahamim made it to Barzilai Medical Center. His story is a powerful reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of those who stand on the frontlines to protect our nation.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Vision for Israel stepped in to provide critical aid. We supplied protective gear to emergency response teams, delivered essentials to soldiers suddenly called into action, and supported displaced families. But as we reflect on the past year, it is clear that our work is far from over.

At the heart of our mission for the last 30 years is the belief that "When a crisis hits, it’s too late to prepare." This year has shown us how vital it is to be ready for whatever challenges may come. As threats continue to loom over Israel, we must ensure that we are equipped to respond swiftly and effectively.

We are incredibly grateful for your support, our faithful partners. Yet, the need remains urgent as the war is going on. We ask you to stand with us once again by donating to our emergency fund. Your generous contribution will help us provide the necessary resources to those on the frontlines, protect the vulnerable, and support Israel's civilian population.

Let us honor the memories of the victims of October 7 by ensuring that we are ready to face the future with strength and resilience.

Please consider making a generous donation today and dedicate it to Medical & Disaster Relief. Your contribution will help us prepare, protect, and provide for those who need it most.

"But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations."

Psalm 33:11

With much appreciation,

Barry & Batya

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