Time to Turn Bitterness to Sweet

Thursday, August 12, 2021

One who is full loathes honeycomb, but to one who is hungry every bitter thing is sweet.

Proverbs 27:7

Dear Friends,

This verse really hits home as we prepare for the blessed time of Rosh Hashanah. As we begin the new year, we are challenged to reflect on the recent past, and refocus our minds and hearts on Yeshua for the year to come.

These divine words are about hunger in more ways than one. These words are about how we walk through life—about worldliness and knowing and walking with God.

They remind us of a simple fact: the truly famished man has not eaten all day long, and as a result, he is ready to eat anything. Even something which others might consider bitter is sweet to him. He will eat it, grateful for anything to help him with his hunger.

During the upcoming celebration of Rosh Hashanah, we bless each other to have a sweet year. On our tables, we have honey, dates, apples, pomegranates, and other elements to bless the coming of the New Year. All of these are symbols of the fruitfulness, sweetness, and blessings of the Lord in our lives.

Despite the challenges we are all facing in the world right now, and the worries and heavy hearts that can come with them, Rosh Hashanah reminds us to focus on sweetness, in our faith, and in our lives.

There are many, of course, who are famished in the literal sense. With the post-Covid economic recovery interrupted by conflict, the threat of terrorism, and a welfare system that has been stretched beyond its limits—we must see this time as an opportunity to address both meanings of hunger for the hurting people of Israel.

We know God cares for the poor. In fact, the word “poor” is mentioned 198 times in the Bible, and the word “needy,” 39 times. There is a great promise for all of us who care for the impoverished.

That’s why we’re raising money to provide gift cards to the needy people of Israel—so that they can fill their plates and stomachs—as well as their hearts, during this important season. Our goal is to assist 750 families who are falling below the poverty line. Each gift is $100. You can help by donating here: [link to donate page]. Please give as you are led to—every donation makes a difference.

Every day we remember those who are in need of encouragement, and we strive to be good ambassadors for the Lord’s faithfulness—especially during the High Holidays season.

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

Psalm 41:1

Through God and through prayer, we can turn life’s bitterness into sweetness. We pray that we may all remain famished for God’s love, and never stop hungering for Him.

Under His Wings,

Barry and Batya

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