Wärme im Winter für Bedürftige

Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020

Who doesn't like to snuggle up in a warm blanket with a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter day?

But even simple pleasures like this are beyond some people suffering from poverty—who can’t afford to heat their homes, or even blankets—and are exposed to the intense cold. With your generous donations, we at Vision for Israel can provide for them every year with heating and blankets.

This week, we donated high-quality down comforters to 100 families and senior citizens in need, in the city of Modi’in.

At the distribution office, we met hard-working families—people who struggle daily for their livelihoods and suffer from an acute shortage of basic needs. We met struggling families who are raising children with special needs, parents who have health problems and cannot work, new immigrants who are also facing the difficulties of absorption into the country, single mothers who raise their children alone, and elderly, destitute Holocaust survivors.

Your generous donations warm the winter—and the hearts—of the people who need it most. Thank you to all who choose to give.

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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Vision für Israel e.V.
Reutterstr. 74
80689 München
E: post@visionfuerisrael.org
T: +49 89 566595

Hazon Le’Israel
P.O. Box 9145
Modi'in, 7178451
E: info@visionforisrael.co.il
T: +972 (8) 978 6400
F: +972 (8) 978 6429

Vision für Israel e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger, in Deutschland eingetragener Verein. Alle zweckgebundenen Spenden werden ohne Abzug an unsere Partnerorganisation Hazon Le’Israel weitergeleitet.

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