Fatherly Blessings

Saturday, June 17, 2023

One who is kind to the poor lends to Adonai, and Adonai will reward him for his good deed.

Proverbs 19:17

Dear Friend,

Father's Day is a time of celebration and reflection. It's a moment to reflect on the wisdom they imparted, the love they expressed, and the strength they embodied. This celebration of fatherhood is not merely about the past, but about the enduring legacy they have bestowed upon us — a legacy that continues to shape our lives.

It's also a moment to honor not only the fathers who have impacted our lives directly but those who have stepped into fatherly roles when needed most. Most importantly, it's an opportunity to acknowledge the ultimate Father, our Heavenly Father, who provides for us unconditionally and fills the voids left by earthly fathers.

Growing up, Barry and I were blessed to have been guided by strong and caring fathers who passed on their love, strength, and wisdom. However, we understand that this is not everyone's story. For some of us, our biological fathers may have been absent or less than ideal. In those times of need, many have found comfort in the arms of the perfect Father who never fails us.

There's a profound joy in parenthood, in knowing that the love and guidance you provide can influence future generations. That joy is wrapped in the hope of leaving a lasting legacy — a powerful imprint that continues to affect lives long after we're gone.

The Bible paints a beautiful picture of God's fatherly love and guidance. As a Father, He cherishes us, provides for us, and guides us onto paths of righteousness. He is the Father who catches us when we fall, teaches us right from wrong, and loves us unconditionally.

Just as the joy of parenthood lies in the hope of leaving a lasting legacy, our Heavenly Father provides us with an eternal legacy — one that shapes our lives and ripples into the lives of those around us. It's a legacy of love, compassion, and benevolence.

As we celebrate fathers and the impactful legacies they create, we invite you to reflect on the kind of legacy you wish to leave behind. There's an opportunity before us, a chance to make a difference that will reverberate into the future. Vision for Israel, with your help, can bring about enduring change for families who need it most.

This Father's Day, consider the impact your legacy could make. A legacy gift to Vision for Israel is a testament to your enduring commitment to helping Israeli families, offering them support when they need it the most. Such a gift doesn't just honor the spirit of fatherhood, it embodies it — offering guidance, support, and hope to those in need.

Please visit the Legacy Giving page to learn how you can leave a legacy gift that embodies this spirit of fatherhood, both human and divine.

Thank you for considering this special way of giving.

With love,
Barry and Batya

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

James 1:27

Father's Day

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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