Embracing Courage this New Year

Friday, January 7, 2022

“Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”

1 Samuel 17:45

Dear Friends,

As we move into 2022, we enter a time of reflection. Many people use this time to plan changes in their lives. There is a lot to reflect on this year as terror, famine, and illness continue to sweep the globe. Many of us feel scared or hopeless as if we are too small and insignificant to overcome all the hardships we face.

Feeling helpless, worrying about this Goliath in our lives can pave the way for a retreat into a cycle of fear—the result of which is despair, stagnation, and inaction. As believers, we rely on God's promise to act in our lives. God is always present, giving us the strength and protection to keep going. When we feel hopeless, we must wrap ourselves in the coat of faith and ward off fear from our lives. Especially when we are in a sense of weakness and helplessness, it is time to give of ourselves to others. The strength of faith is the source of the courage we have to overcome every giant before us.

The fear of the LORD leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.

Proverbs 19:23

The team at Vision for Israel understands the giants we face from time to time. When we are tested, challenged, or short on funds, we press on with the hope and continue to serve the underprivileged in our communities.

Moving forward has allowed us to grow through the most difficult of times. We are happy to say that our plan is to expand our giving in 2022. VFI plans a higher budget and our goal is to increase the assistance to help more people in the coming year, spreading more love and care.

As David faced Goliath, we face issues that are far bigger than we are. If we hope to prevail, we must depend on God to support us. Just as He gave David his courage to face the giant, your support gives us the ammunition to strike down poverty, sickness, and violence in our communities.

Be encouraged and join us in turning our fears into actions and consider becoming a monthly partner. This kind of reliable support allows us to plan for the future, and take down bigger and more pressing challenges in Israel. The more support we have, the more Goliaths we can fight—and the more action we take, the more we see God in our lives. His presence helps to eliminate our fears and gives us the push we need to keep doing our work.

Dear partners, let us stand together with greater commitment to support and strengthen Vision for Israel this year so we can accomplish much more than ever before.

Our prayer for each of you is the same as our prayer for ourselves—that we continue to develop the courage to grow as people of great strength; fearless and bold in our faith.

May the Lord bless and keep you,
Barry & Batya Segal

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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Vision for Israel is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects, and we may assess up to 20% to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.

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