Shlomo & Rachel - From Rockets to Restoration

Saturday 10 September 2022

Overcoming Trauma One Act of Kindness at a Time

Unfortunately for many living in Israel today, terror can strike at any moment, leaving unimaginable trauma and disability in its wake.

Shlomo* became a victim of hostility when a Qassam rocket fell near his home in 2005. Since this tragic incident, he has received treatment at a mental health clinic every week, attempting to lead an everyday life with the aid of antidepressants and other anxiety-treating medications.

Rachel*, his wife, is experiencing challenges of her own since becoming physically disabled due to falling into a pit caused by a Qassam rocket in the city market. She has become limited in movement and is forced to spend her days in frequent clinic visits to receive medical treatment.

Shlomo and Rachel have been diagnosed as severely disabled, making their ability to sustain themselves financially impossible.

Vision for Israel has had the immense privilege of supporting Shlomo and Rachel for seven years with special requests and assistance in groceries in preparation for the holidays.

So when we heard that Rachel needed help to pay for special glasses to restore her eyesight, we were grateful for the opportunity to lend a helping hand.

A Letter from Shlomo to Vision for Israel:

"My name is Shlomo, an ultra-Orthodox Jew who lives in the south of Israel by the Gaza strip.

By the grace of God, I was born to wonderful parents who gave me an education, love, and endless joy in life.

However, when I was 12 years old, my world turned upside down when my dear little brother Reuben* was killed in front of my eyes in a horrific accident.

My dear father and mother passed away a few years later from broken hearts at a very young age.

To my bitter fate, I am a father whose lovely daughter died at a young age, and my eldest nephew (19 years old) lost his life while serving as a border police fighter during a conflict in the city of Hebron.

And now my beloved wife Rachel is severely disabled. We "live" on pensions from the National Insurance Institute, which leaves us with nothing; we've had to take out various loans for unexpected medical treatments and are burdened by a case of a writ of execution.

With the help of God, I now turn to you for urgent help since my wife underwent complex eye surgery in the last two months and is now in need of special glasses.

I ask that you would help us with a financial donation so that we can exist in a way that the remainder of our human dignity will not be taken away from us.“

Serving is our Privilege

For couples such as Shlomo and Rachel, life has not been kind.

We may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but we can be the vessels that restore dignity to those stripped of the means to sustain themselves and restore their sense of purpose - one act of kindness at a time.

Thankfully, because of your tremendous support and generosity, we were able to provide Rachel with special glasses to improve her eyesight, regain her health and improve the quality of her life.

We were overjoyed when we received a heart warming letter from Shlomo, thanking us for our help:

"I have a special reason to tell you again - thank you! Thank God you stand by my side during this difficult and exhausting time.

You are undoubtedly the engine that drives my heart to love life despite my many difficulties. You are beautiful proof that there are still people who help those disabled from terror attacks.

I am thankful from the bottom of my heart that you have always dealt with me with sensitivity, professionalism, and friendship - it is a great privilege for me to be treated by your organization. Your investment in my wife and me is priceless.“

*All names have been changed to protect the identity of these individuals.

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