Securing a Safe Future for Holocaust Survivors

Saturday 2 March 2024

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”

Psalm 27:1

Dear Friends,

As we observe the unfolding situation on Israel’s northern border, we reach out to you with a pressing concern that lies heavy on our hearts. The echoes of history and the present reality converge in a poignant reminder of our duty to protect and honour those who have borne the weight of unimaginable sorrow. Our Holocaust survivors, the living testimonies of resilience and courage, face a reality that many of us can scarcely comprehend.

Today, Israel is home to a significant number of Holocaust survivors, a community for whom the scars of the past are a constant companion. Their stories, a solemn reminder of the cost of indifference and the value of freedom inspire us to act with urgency and compassion.

Yet, as we stand on the brink of what may be a profound challenge, the situation on our northern border intensifies. The threat of conflict looms large, casting a shadow over the nation. The stark warning from Israel about a potential wider, extreme war underscores the gravity of the moment we are in.

The advancements in weaponry, including precision rockets and missiles by adversaries, pose a significant risk, potentially leading to blackouts and a loss of electricity. This precarious situation demands our immediate attention and action, especially in ensuring the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable populations, including our cherished Holocaust survivors.

The resilience of Israel and its people, shaped by trials and triumphs, is a beacon of hope and determination. Yet, the lessons of history teach us that preparation is the key to survival. The stark reality that "When crisis comes, it's too late to prepare" rings truer today than ever before.

Our commitment to safeguarding the lives of Holocaust survivors through the provision of bomb shelters is more than a measure of defence; it is a testament to our collective memory — our resolve to honour the past while securing the future.

In the spirit of unity and remembrance, we appeal to your generosity and kindness. Your support in our mission to install bomb shelters will provide not only a safe haven but also a tangible expression of love and respect for those who have endured so much. This project transcends mere physical security; it is about preserving dignity, ensuring peace of mind, and offering a steadfast promise that they are not alone.

We find ourselves at a critical juncture, a time when action can and will make a difference. The war, as we have been warned, has only just begun. Yet, within this window of opportunity lies the potential for preparation, for solidarity, and for hope. Let us come together, with hearts united and spirits resolved, to shield those who have already faced the darkest nights.

Your contribution to this cause will echo through the halls of history, a resounding affirmation of love over fear, light over darkness, and life over despair.

Please, let your heart be moved to action today by making your donation HERE and dedicate your donation to Medical & Disaster Relief. Together, we can ensure that every Holocaust survivor in Israel knows that they are not forgotten, that their legacy is honored, and their safety is secured.

"I lost one home in the Holocaust; I will not give up on this one."

Holocaust survivor, Gaza Envelope community

With heartfelt gratitude,

Barry & Batya

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