Scholarship Ceremony for Victims of Hostilities Students

Monday 25 July 2022

For several years, Vision for Israel has had the immense privilege of supporting and collaborating with the organization of victims of hostilities in a special scholarship project for students who are victims of hostilities.

Each year we gather to partner together to the point that this well-intended project, which started as a small endeavour, has become a tradition we refuse to miss.

Victims of hostilities suffer significant long-term trauma and can often feel isolated from the memories and loss they have suffered as a result.

As children and teenagers, they carry the heavy burden of trying to build a future for themselves through education, all while trying to solve complicated mental and emotional difficulties, either endured by their parents or themselves.

We believe that providing education for students who are victims of hostilities, will help ease their way back into a normative life cycle, realize their academic abilities, and complete their education according to their skills.

Education is of great importance in creating employment opportunities and contributes to improving their self-esteem and confidence. When they see that a whole system of adults believes in their well-being, taking care of their future, and cheering them on -- it shrinks the goliath-size difficulty they stand against.

Projects like this are critical and are contributing factors in rehabilitating terror survivors who attend higher education institutions.

This year, we were honoured to host the scholarship distribution ceremony at the Millennium Centre in a festive setting.

The students were accompanied by relatives and friends and were greeted with a colourful reception filled with light and rich refreshments, including quality sandwiches, savoury pastries, cookies, and cold and hot drinks. In the background, bringing much joy to the event was musician and singalong emcee Shalom Har-Even, which elevated the celebration with his upbeat music.

Each student then received a check and a certificate of appreciation in person, accompanied by a melody, and had the opportunity to share about themselves, and their course of study.

This year we were able to award 76 scholarships to students who were most in need of the blessed assistance.

It was an exciting and very empowering evening. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the children, knowing that we had a small hand in guaranteeing their success as successful members of society, was the highlight of the evening.

We are grateful for the fruitful cooperation with the representative organization through which we have been able to touch more and more families in need of assistance and improve their quality of life.

We look forward to continue supporting survivors of hostilities and their children as they walk bravely into their destinies by dedicating our resources to better their life and education.

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