Ongoing Tragedy for a Child of God

Monday 16 August 2021

A Lifelong Battle of an Orphan

In March of 1988, there was a terror attack known as the Mothers' Bus Attack. Terrorists infiltrated the Egyptian border and managed to take over a bus that was transporting workers to work.

That day, Alon’s* father rode that bus as he did every day. But this time, his usual bus ride took a tragic turn. He was held hostage and was eventually murdered by the terrorists.

Alon’s father was his only parent when he died. His mother had died shortly before, after a long battle with cancer.

It seems symbolic that his father, who acted as both father and mother to his family, was killed on the Mothers’ Bus.

The hostages that did not perish said that Alon’s father was a hero, and sacrificed his life rescuing the women that were on the bus as the driver opened the doors and fled. His father was left alone to deal with the horror, and he acted nobly.

Alon’s father was far from being ready to die. He was just 39, towards the end of his doctorate studies in laser welding. Many of his co-workers said that he would be the next CEO of the company.

This and many other things didn’t happen. Alon and his brothers didn’t get to see their father advance in his career or see his children and grandchildren grow. Alon and his two brothers were very small at the time, and they lost the only remaining parent they had. They were left with no one and were put into foster care.

The difficulties Alon faced after experiencing loss at such a young age, are exactly the same as the orphans included in the 2012 Compensation Law for Animosity Orphans. Yet he has not seen compensation through this law.

The government was supposed to help and support the victims' orphans rather than create additional hardships. However, Alon was denied essential assistance from the state. In response, he turned to the court to seek protection under The Compensation Law for Animosity Orphans.

The state has failed to pay any sort of compensation to Alon.

Since the day of the terror attack, Alon has been living in a state of survival. The pain of losing his parents has only grown over the past 33 years. Losing both parents within six months of each other at such a young age is unbearable.

The crises that followed the attack were only made worse by the absence of his parents and lack of support. 8 years ago Alon lost the family he was building to a difficult divorce. The economic hardships that followed affect him to this day. He has suffered through layoffs, both due to Covid-19 and otherwise.

No matter how old a person is, parental support (mental and financial) is necessary. Even when happy moments occurred in his life, he had no parents to share his joy with. He celebrated his bar mitzvah alone and has lived alone in the world since he came of age.

After filing an appeal to the authorities 7 years ago and being denied assistance, Alon had to take out loans over the years just to survive. With the Covid-19 pandemic, Alon is out of work and behind on loan payments. He cannot see his children regularly. He has no car, and he has no ability to pay spousal support.

We at VFI know that God would not leave his children in this situation, and we will not either. We are stepping in to help support Alon during this very difficult time.

Alon’s battle will not bring his parents back. His tragedy of the past can become a victory of the present and the future.

We want to be part of his victory story. Giving him the power and strength to become an overcomer.

Will you join our efforts to bring healing to a broken-hearted person?

Your monthly support will go a long way in helping people like Alon.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated and needed.

*Name has been changed

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