Embrace Love's Power: Renew Hope for Holocaust Survivors

Saturday 5 August 2023

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

Proverbs 13:12

Dear Friend,

In the words of American abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher, “It's the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.” We write to you today with a tale of heart, of richness, and of the incredible strength that comes from renewal.

Moshe was a mere child when the nightmare of the Holocaust descended upon his world. The tight-knit community he knew, and the loving family that surrounded him, all were brutally snatched away. He witnessed the unimaginable—his loved ones perish in the terrifying churn of a world gone awry. Moshe himself was dragged through the horrific reality of concentration camps, facing death at every moment. He was a child robbed of his innocence—a boy thrust into the direst edges of human experience.

But through it all, Moshe's spirit didn't wane. He clung to life with the fierce determination of the truly resilient. And when the world emerged from the shadow of the Holocaust, Moshe chose life. He moved to Israel and built a life from scratch. He married, became a father, and a grandfather. He nourished a family tree from a seed of survival, demonstrating the extraordinary power of the human spirit to rebuild, to heal, to live, and to love again after loss.

Today, Moshe is an emblem of hope, a living testament to an enduring legacy of resilience, of braving adversity, of nurturing hope in the face of despair.

In this time of celebration, as we commemorate Tu B'Av, the Jewish day of love and renewal, we invite you to honor Moshe's extraordinary journey. By contributing to our cause, you are extending your hand to support thousands of Holocaust survivors just like Moshe who continue to carry their scars, even as they bravely step forward each day.

Your generous contribution can provide essential provisions such as food, medicine, and clothing to these survivors. More importantly, it can give them a renewed sense of belonging, the assurance that they are seen, they are valued, and they are not alone.

Join us in our mission today. Let's make a pledge to ensure that our brothers and sisters are never forgotten, that their stories of resilience continue to inspire, and that they always have a community they can lean on.

Please click here to donate.

Let's stand together to honor the survivors of our community, embodying the true spirit of Tu B'Av—love, unity, and the renewal of hope.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

In His service,

Barry and Batya Segal

Disclaimer: Our primary objective at Vision for Israel is to share and celebrate the stories of the direct beneficiaries of our aid. However, on rare occasions, we believe it is essential to bring to light inspiring narratives that resonate deeply with our mission, even if the individuals involved have not directly benefited from our organization. This is one such instance.

Moshe's incredible story, while not directly intertwined with Vision for Israel, powerfully underscores the need for our work. The intense hardships he faced, and his strength and resilience in overcoming them, remind us of the thousands of Holocaust survivors we aim to support.

Please be aware that while Moshe is not a direct recipient of our aid, his story reflects the experiences of those we serve daily. By sharing his story, we aim to raise awareness and increase understanding of the challenging circumstances Holocaust survivors face, thereby inspiring compassion and encouraging support for our mission to bring aid and comfort to those who have suffered from the horrors of the Holocaust.

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued support.

Are you willing to bless Israel, make a difference in the lives of people, and partner with God's plan for restoration of the land of Israel?

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